Embarking on a journey to gain greater insight on how public relations adapts to the social media environment I was introduced to Joanna Oosthuizen. Oosthuizen broke down various areas of Public Relations that have been forced to adapt to the changes of social media. Over the past decade the media industry have endured great change(s). Adapting to the changes of social media creates a huge opportunity for Public Relations practitioners because it will allow them to be able to compete and develop innovative ways to promote their brand.
The premise of the article was to insight readers on the various areas of social media that is changing many company’s platforms and ways of promoting. The first area discussed, Managing client reputations online. With the online community expanding quickly it is extremely important to have your company in a position to increase their brand and understand how social media works. Understanding your competitor’s weakness will allow you to make your brand stand out among the rest. It is essential to promote your brand through digital space. The second area, Getting to grips with social media discusses ways to adapt “traditional” public relations to this new platform. The traditional press releases are no longer working for companies because of the “GO GREEN” tactic. The new platform requires press releases to be released via social media, which captures a wide market through pictures, podcasts, videos and graphics. Many companies as mentioned in the article are already making use of the new form of public relations which gives practitioners access information by a simple click of the mouse.
The last three areas revolve around understanding and recognizing public relations. Understanding the blogsphere used to be an afterthought for public relations but over the past few years public relations practitioner developed an understanding of blogging and the various ways to attract a wide market. Public relations practitioners will have to continue to use the traditional media channels for the small percent of the population that are not social media savvy. Although, social media is growing it is not expanding as fast in many places. The solution for public relations practitioners is to expand in all areas, by first reaching the percent of cliental expecting to work with a social media knowledgeable company and a company that still utilizes their traditional media channels.
The power of public relations is to recognize the areas to influence and impact your clients. Public relations is a dynamic industry expected to expand like never before in 2011. The potential public relations trends will take the social media by storm and position public relations practioners in a position to develop innovative ways to improve tactics. To reference the 2011 expected trends view http://prsay.prsa.org/index.php/2010/12/22/2011-pr-trends/
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