Future of Public Relations: Price Ent Group

Future of Public Relations: Price Ent Group

About Me

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I am a grad student at Full Sail University. I strive to do well in everything that I do. I love reading, writing and challenging things. I embrace change!! Change is a key part of life... I am aspiring to work in Public Relations/Marketing within the Entertainment industry. My goal is to become very marketable and gain experience in all areas within the Entertainment industry. I love meeting new people and building relationships! I am a very outgoing woman of God who will always see the good in any situation! This is me...<3

5W Public Relations! 5 TIPS!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Traditional Marketing v. Digital Marketing

While interning at a well-known company not only here in Orlando but as well as around the world it is imperative for me to learn all areas of marketing and public relations. During the month of June/July I will be privileged to be learning all the in and out’s of digital marketing and how it can benefit not only my career but also the company I will be potentially working for. Although, my heart desire is to work in the field of Public Relations, I truly believe to be a triple threat understanding marketing is a must. Below you will have an opportunity to read on ways to improve your marketing skills and how digital marketing has transformed. Take a look.

When considering the channels within the marketing industry an average person would have no idea on the proper way to utilize traditional and digital marketing channels. Guess what, today is your lucky day. It is critical that readers and professionals understand all areas of digital marketing and how one take their career to the next level by simply understanding the constant shift within the social media marketing industry. In a brief comparison between the two media channels, I will break down ways to take full advantage of digital marketing and the pros and cons of both.

After conducting a great deal of extensive research on both areas of marketing, Traditional marketing has been deemed as an outlet for the non-traditional generation. But according to, http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/social-marketinging-small-business-1294/, traditional marketing still thrives. In order to stay above water, you must have a clear understanding of social media marketing. Many businesses promote through social media. According to Business News Daily, over 73 % of small businesses report using social media to marketing business and 81 % of those companies plan to increase their efforts next year.

Utilizing all forms of marketing is key to having a successful company. Writing a press release or promoting through the use of a blimp is no longer acceptable. You must think above and beyond your competitors and understand the social media trends. You can’t abandon traditional marketing methods but integrate and interact with it. According to http://www.mpdailyfix.com/dont-abandon-traditional-marketing-methods-integrate-and-interact/, you must remember integration and interaction is key within the business market. You cannot replace what has been working for you and your business just because social media is the new best thing.

Which leads me to Digital marketing.  DM is a term that been around from some time now and finally reaching its full potential. It allows you to encompass things like banner, advertising, search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click. DM does not typically include more traditional forms of marketing such as radio, TV and print due to lack of instant feedback. (http://www.mobilestorm.com/resources/digital-marketing-blog/what-is-digital-marketing/) Digital marketing is the newest form of social media marketing that has put businesses in a new position that leaves companies wide open.
Now, how to not only stay above water but ways to learn how to swim. First, hire a marketing team that is young and savvy that has a clear understanding of the shift in the media and how create innovative ways to market their company’s product and service. Secondly, create a marketing campaign that is utilizing all forms of marketing. Third, develop a way to track your social media success via the web. Fourth, become a hip-creative viral company that allows for customer satisfaction and appreciation. 

For any additional information on ways to improve review the links posted above.


Krystyn N. Price


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