Future of Public Relations: Price Ent Group

Future of Public Relations: Price Ent Group

About Me

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I am a grad student at Full Sail University. I strive to do well in everything that I do. I love reading, writing and challenging things. I embrace change!! Change is a key part of life... I am aspiring to work in Public Relations/Marketing within the Entertainment industry. My goal is to become very marketable and gain experience in all areas within the Entertainment industry. I love meeting new people and building relationships! I am a very outgoing woman of God who will always see the good in any situation! This is me...<3

5W Public Relations! 5 TIPS!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Social Media campaign is the force of multiple channels of digital marketing coming together as one to target a wide array of markets through the use of traditional and non-traditional marketing. Many of us, are aware of the CW Show “The Game” (Unless you have been living under a deep rusty rock) that brought households together for over three seasons.

When the final season announced the show would be off air in the Spring 2009 people went BANANAS! People had a connection with the cast and wanted more. They were completely unsatisfied with the idea of it ending so abruptly.  So that brings me to what went well and what went bad in my personal opinion during this marketing campaign presented by BET. Don’t get me wrong; I was victim to watching every marathon held on Thursday and Saturdays until the premiere on January 1, 2011 but took into account where they dropped the ball.

Ready? Here we go! A marketing/ PR social media campaign launched in November 2010 re-running all seasons of the so loved seasons of “The Game” and one-on-one interviews held with the cast. BET taking over this phenomenal series left several eyebrows were raised at the idea of the show being picked up by “BET”. One, it is BET and Two, it is BET. We are aware of the success rate of shows on BET and were a little weary when hearing about the network picking up the show. But that didn’t stop the amazing marketing/PR social media campaign.

Through the use of Twitter, Facebook and Youtube they bombarded your computers and televisions. There wasn’t a day that went by that you didn’t hear something about the premiere.  Through contest, multi-media content via Facebook, ads, press releases and twitter updates the world was ready for season four.

After analyzing the overall campaign, I felt the best form of marketing was through the use of utilizing all social networks and having an entire month dedicated to the past seasons. This tactic, prepared old fans and gave new fans an opportunity to build a connection with the cast. This tactic was successful and one I would suggest shows taken off the air use during their marketing campaign.

The negative of the campaign is reaching the older audience. Although, you are finding your older demographic utilizing social media more and more each day, they still reached 18-24 rather than 25-50. Reaching that older demographic is where their consumer loyalty lies due to the content of the show. In the past, the season was a more fun and lighthearted show but took a turn and the content is directed towards a mature audience.

In the upcoming season, I suggest BET target an older demographic and take advantage of all forms of marketing and PR. But overall, this marketing social media campaign was a great success. Did it compare to the previous season not by a long shot but it still left a large group of fans satisfied. They better bring it for SEASON 5!!!


Krystyn N. Price

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Traditional Marketing v. Digital Marketing

While interning at a well-known company not only here in Orlando but as well as around the world it is imperative for me to learn all areas of marketing and public relations. During the month of June/July I will be privileged to be learning all the in and out’s of digital marketing and how it can benefit not only my career but also the company I will be potentially working for. Although, my heart desire is to work in the field of Public Relations, I truly believe to be a triple threat understanding marketing is a must. Below you will have an opportunity to read on ways to improve your marketing skills and how digital marketing has transformed. Take a look.

When considering the channels within the marketing industry an average person would have no idea on the proper way to utilize traditional and digital marketing channels. Guess what, today is your lucky day. It is critical that readers and professionals understand all areas of digital marketing and how one take their career to the next level by simply understanding the constant shift within the social media marketing industry. In a brief comparison between the two media channels, I will break down ways to take full advantage of digital marketing and the pros and cons of both.

After conducting a great deal of extensive research on both areas of marketing, Traditional marketing has been deemed as an outlet for the non-traditional generation. But according to, http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/social-marketinging-small-business-1294/, traditional marketing still thrives. In order to stay above water, you must have a clear understanding of social media marketing. Many businesses promote through social media. According to Business News Daily, over 73 % of small businesses report using social media to marketing business and 81 % of those companies plan to increase their efforts next year.

Utilizing all forms of marketing is key to having a successful company. Writing a press release or promoting through the use of a blimp is no longer acceptable. You must think above and beyond your competitors and understand the social media trends. You can’t abandon traditional marketing methods but integrate and interact with it. According to http://www.mpdailyfix.com/dont-abandon-traditional-marketing-methods-integrate-and-interact/, you must remember integration and interaction is key within the business market. You cannot replace what has been working for you and your business just because social media is the new best thing.

Which leads me to Digital marketing.  DM is a term that been around from some time now and finally reaching its full potential. It allows you to encompass things like banner, advertising, search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click. DM does not typically include more traditional forms of marketing such as radio, TV and print due to lack of instant feedback. (http://www.mobilestorm.com/resources/digital-marketing-blog/what-is-digital-marketing/) Digital marketing is the newest form of social media marketing that has put businesses in a new position that leaves companies wide open.
Now, how to not only stay above water but ways to learn how to swim. First, hire a marketing team that is young and savvy that has a clear understanding of the shift in the media and how create innovative ways to market their company’s product and service. Secondly, create a marketing campaign that is utilizing all forms of marketing. Third, develop a way to track your social media success via the web. Fourth, become a hip-creative viral company that allows for customer satisfaction and appreciation. 

For any additional information on ways to improve review the links posted above.


Krystyn N. Price

Thursday, May 26, 2011

PR meets Publishing

Staying on the same page of publishing and connecting PR and Marketing into it, I think it is important to discuss more tools and resources that are beneficial to the various readers and professionals. The website that stood out the most to me over the past few weeks is http://www.outskirtspress.com/ . The following website provides writing services, publishing packages, marketing solutions and various services that provides members and visitors an opportunity to review OutSkirtspress tools and resources. The benefits of using Outskirts press are on the lines flexible and controlled self-publishing combined with full-service support and confidence of a book publishing company all on one website.

Outskirts offer the advantages of utilizing independent self-publishing and traditional book publishing. The custom differences of using outskirts are the full control over all your pricing. They provide a price calculator that makes it easy to set your retail price, your royalty and your trade account. This is a great tool to use when connecting PR into publishing when trying to market your services and products through the use distribution and can be available at amazon.com, Barnes & noble, borders.com, half.com, and Baker & Taylor to name a few.

The publishing industry is a very difficult industry to thrive in let alone to tie in PR and marketing in as well. Large-scale traditional publishers are in the business of publishing books that sell. So when comparing to PR and marketing you must produce products and services that sell and meet the needs of you clients. The website assist in self-publishing for consultants and E-books for consultants. Take a quick look at the website: http://www.consulting-business.com/public-relations-marketing-book-publishing.html

I know you may be reading this post, like well where do I tie in? Well, let’s review the material and information discussed. First, within any industry it is imperative to have a clear understanding of publishing and the role your company plays in distribution. Whether you are the one distributing or assisting in doing so, you need to be mindful of all areas revolving around publishing. I highly suggest my readers and followers take into account the important tools and resources that are readily available and how they can learn from it. The two websites listed above are both two incredible sources that you should definitely bookmark. In order to be ahead of your competitors you must understand all areas of your industry. Be well-rounded and well read in order to thrive.

For booking:


Krystyn N.Price 

Understanding LexisNEXIS

Within the Public Relations industry there are various tools and resources readily available for aspiring candidates and professionals. It is imperative to utilize all forms of sources due to the constant change within PR.  After reading various regarding PR and publishing it all revolved around social media trends and what many companies are looking for. After applying for various positions within the PR industry they often times suggested or required candidates to have experience in CISION and LEXIS NEXIS. The following two websites are both very beneficial to the companies and those with a background in it.

Lexis Nexis is a leading global provider of content-enabled workflow solutions designed specifically for professionals in the legal, risk management, corporate, government, law enforcement, accounting, and academic markets. Through the integration of information and technology, LexisNexis uniquely unites brands and allows customers to win within their own marketplace. It also provides a wide array of careers for professionals seeking a career within the follow areas listed above. Not only is this a great tool for professionals to use it also allows you to join a community online filled with over 25,000 legal professionals for free. It provides up-to-date content and resources across multiple practice and professionals areas in the LexisNexis community. The following link will direct you to how to join one of the most talked about websites that is making a huge impact within the PR and marketing industry. http://www.lexisnexis.com/our-solutions/us-solutions/

The second tool and resource I suggest many entry-level and professionals get quite acquainted with is CISION. The following website is strictly designed for PR professionals. CISION is where media and PR connect to find a deeper understanding of how the media works and to get more media information. Members of the media come to find leads and will have an opportunity to link with Fortune 500 companies and utilize all software and services. Once you have a clear understanding of how to maneuver through the website a great area to review is the use of PR professionals where members can take full advantage of tools and learn more about leadership. As a aspiring professional I plan to take advantage of the following two websites and will advise other individuals to do the same. Here is the link to review the material that was stated above and I hope that people will find it as useful as I do. http://us.cision.com/pr-marketing.asp

For booking:


Krystyn N.Prce

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Young, Talented and Determined

Interview with Nick Nanton

If you are interested in Public relations, Marketing or Entertainment Law, Nick Nanton is the man you need to meet. He is one of the most successful professionals within the Entertainment industry in Orlando, FL. Since entering the industry, Nanton has impressed many with his gift of gab, level of understanding of his profession and willingness to take your brand to the next level. Working out of Winter Park, FL at The Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency,  as a multifaceted entertainment attorney is on the road to limitless success. Attached is his company website: http://www.nicknanton.com/

Below is our business related interview that took place on Wednesday, April 12, 2011.

The following questions highlight his education, daily tasks and areas of interests.  
Take a look:

Question 1:
Can you give a little detail of what exactly you do? What are your areas of interest?

My areas of interest include helping clients litigate through law and assisting through contracts. But I also work in media marketing and Public Relations.

Question two:
How long have you worked in Public relations and Marketing?

 I have been working in Public relations and marketing since ago 20, so a total of 11 years.

Question three:
Where did you receive your education?

 I received my Undergrad education from University of Florida in Finance. I also attended University of Florida Law School.

Question four:
How long have you practiced entertainment law? What type of clients do you represent?

I have been practicing since 2005.  I typically represent musicians and bands.  While representing my clients I assist in brand development, artist development, and building connect within the industry and providing legal assistance as well. (if needed)

Question five:
Can you explain to pro and cons of being a Entertainment Attorney?

There are definitely more Pros than Cons. The pros are extremely fun and there can be a lot of work to be done. Cons noting really transactional (contracts)

Questions six:
Do you think your expertise in Public relations and Marketing play a significant role in being an Entertainment Attorney?

Definitely. I am extremely non- traditional. I am not your average lawyer. I also have a multifaceted skill set where I am very helpful all the way around. If you are seeking PR assistance and need legal advice, I can provide that too.  This has worked in favor and has allowed me to make a lasting impression with clients.

Questions seven:
If a student is interested in working in Public relations and/or Marketing as well as Entertainment Law, how would suggest they go about getting their feet wet in the industry?

Start today. Whatever it is you want to do, start doing it today. Don’t wait another day.

Question eight:
What are some of your daily tasks as a Entertainment Attorney?

My daily tasks include, plenty of meetings, working a ton and working to get an artist to the next level in their career. I daily assist artist in as many ways as possible and direct them to the right people.

After the following eight questions were answered, I briefly spoke with Nanton regarding any opportunities at Dicks and Nanton and the overall industry as a whole. Nanton is a very well-spoken and humble professionals. I would recommend any student seeking assistance in the following areas to reach out to Nanton. 

I would like to especially thank Nick Nanton for taking the time to allow me to interview you in the midst of your busy schedule. I greatly appreciate it. Also, I would like to thank his assistant Mandy at Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency for efficiently assisting in scheduling me in Nanton's schedule. Your kindness and diligence is truly appreciated. 

Before wrapping up! 

Let's do some promoting!! 

Take a quick look at Nanton's current artist: Taylor Buono:

To wrap up this weeks blog post...

The following interview was a great opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of an individual working in my desired profession.  In relation to my business plan, Price Entertainment Group  consulting with a industry expert with an intense background is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I humbly appreciate his efforts to pick his brain and gain a better understanding of the in's and out's of being a multifaceted entertainment expert.

 I look forward to purchasing Celebrity Branding YOU co-authored by Nanton and Dicks. If you are looking to have a deeper understanding of celebrity branding Nanton and Dicks teach you how to do so effectively.

Although, all of the interviews I have conducted have been amazing and allowed me to gain a greater understanding of their profession; this was by far one of the most useful interview. Interviewing Nick Nanton, was an amazing opportunity that I hope all students interested in Public Relations and Marketing get to experience in the near future. I look forward networking with Nanton in the near future.

Until next time,

Krystyn N. Price
Public relations/ Marketing

Thank you! 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

When your client meets the system.

Let’s switch gears and focus on the legal aspect of public relations and entertainment.  There are several ways to handle the public relations and marketing aspect of dealing with your client during a trial. Three of the cases that caught my attention were the most recent with Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen and 2009 trial with Chris Brown. The following cases all resulted in criminal offenses and civil offenses. Let’s take  a look at the following cases in detail. 

Criminal Case

The case between 24-year-old Lindsay Lohan took place in Venice Beach, California for allegedly stealing a $2,500-$5,000 necklace from a reputable high-end boutique in California. It doesn’t stop there! Lohan necklace investigation in the eyes of California is considered theft of property, which is a grand theft felony. Uh oh. Lohan pleaded not guilty on February 9, 2011. If Lohan is charged she can be facing up to one year in jail with additional punishment for a parole violation. In the stores defense against Lohan, the Los Angeles Police Department reportedly has a store surveillance video to support their claim.

 Lohan and her representatives are looking for the fast route to moving past this claim and in her defense use her career as a way to move past this. Dina Lohan says, "Lindsay is up for a couple film roles and we want this behind us the quickest way possible," she continued. "We're speaking with the attorneys tomorrow and we'll make that decision after we talk."

CASE PENDING VERDICT: As of recent March 24, 2011, Lohan is considering of pleading no-contest in her necklace theft case according to Daily News.  

Now that we have a clear understanding of the trial, how do you handle this as a publicist or business representing a client going up against the system?  Well there are several ways to handle this. If Lohan were a client of Price Entertainment Group, the first step would be cleaning up her name within the media. Pitching, sending out FOR IMMEDIATE press releases and having her seen in court and no where else. Her image this point needs to be stripped. There is never a day when you hear “Lindsay Lohan” and something good comes from it. Well at least not since Parent Trap. (That was below the belt, I know) But take a look at my suggested three-step process for this particular case:

1. Community service and or public speaking for troubled teens.  Get her in the community and speaking with teens that can relate to her. Her target market is youth who are doing foolish things in my personal opinion as she is.
2. All forms of Public Relations. Constantly pitching good things about her, sending pictures of her doing community-based things, blogging about her success. Utilizing all forms of non-media and media channels in her defense.
3. If things don’t work as you hoped, you then need to focus on her mental state. Rehab or seeking assistance may be the best option for her Lindsay.

Civil Case: 
Warner Bros. Chuck Lorre vs. Charlie Sheen and the show crew on March 10, 2011
 Bi-Winning Charlie Sheen is up against Warner Bros. Chuck Lorre, co-producer and executive of Two and Half men for $100 Million. This lawsuit against Lorre primary premise is based on personal jabs, accusations and “harassment” against Sheen. Sheen also allegedly is filing for “several causes of action in connection with his firing, including breach of contract claims and intentional interference tort claims. The suit claims that Warner Bros. had no problem signing another two years to Sheen contract even though he was dealing with substance issues and had pending felony and misdemeanor charges against him.  http://money.cnn.com/2011/03/29/news/companies/time_warner_charlie_sheen/

The following allegations are based on an attempt to prove someone’s dislike towards someone else. As stated in the article, “the lawsuit claims that Lorre’s dislike of the actor led him to stop producing scripts months ago. Which resulted in Sheen attacking Lorre on air and Lorre shutting down Sheen once and for all.

Unfortunately, Lorre and Warner Bros. used Sheen addiction to their advantage and blamed Sheen for the stop in production although; it was the producer Lorre’s fault. In Lorre’s defense he has successful shows making millions which Warner Bros. are backing up. Now how do you handle this as Charlie Sheen publicist? Well Price Entertainment Group would take this all the way and use the idea of intentional torts to our advantage. Press releases would be released stated the misrepresentation of our client and infliction of emotional distress is affecting our client ability to function. (A little extreme, but you have to do what you have to do) Unlike the case with Lohan, there is no Three-step process but more so suggestive tips.

1.     Use the emotional affects to your advantage
2.     Continue to talk about the issue. Never drop it.
3.     Discuss your success on the show and how if it weren’t for you, there would be no show.

Chris Brown vs. Rihanna February 9, 2009

When being “Unfaithful” makes Chris Brown go Wall to Wall.

The case between at the time 19-year-old Brown and 20-year-old Rihanna was one we have all heard about more than we can bare. But this case stuck out to me simply because of the publicity behind it. Let’s take a look.

On the night of February 9, 2009 the weekend of the 2009 Grammy’s, things take a terrible turn. As Brown turns himself in to Los Angeles Police Department and word gets out Brown has assaulted longtime girlfriend singer Rihanna. Detectives investigating the felony batter charges booked the singer for criminal threats (assaults) in the case and released him on $50,000 bail with additional charges may be filed. The victim has visible injuries and suffered from emotional distress in the case against Brown. This particular case was an assault and battery with no weapon found.

CASE VERDICT: Brown pleads guilty in Rihanna assault case

 A plea deal was reached and Brown faced charges of assaulting. Under terms of agreement, Brown will serve five years of probation and must serve 180 days in jail or the equivalent of 1,400 hours of labor oriented service.

 In this particular case, it is a little bit more straightforward and common sense. Your client is guilty but has room to grow as an artist.  Representing Brown, I would suggest he attends events that are battered women and teens and explain his story. Make him relatable and have a pity story. People eventually will move forward from the unfortunate event and will see him as human. 

To date, his publicist has done a phenomenal job on building his image and reputation within the industry. Although, he has lately been acting a plum nut within the media. Which resulted in his publicist contract all of a sudden being over. Sure it is. She just realized she can't deal with him anymore. Let's be real.

Until Next time,

Krystyn N. Price

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


As previously discussed in my prior blog post, artists in my personal opinion cannot thrive within the entertainment industry without a successful and knowledgeable publicist. It is inevitable to not reach your full potential within the entertainment market if you are not represented properly.  With that being said, what in the world is going on with Chris Brown and Charlie Sheen publicist? SERIOUSLY!?

As I sit and read about the various outbursts of both artists it is disturbing to know that this is accepted within the media market. Don’t get me wrong; I do believe the media is bias in accepting the actions of Charlie Sheen who is an alcoholic and abusive drug user who is now known for “WINNING”, compared to the actions of singer/actor Chris Brown. But the sad truth is Sheen is not winning, he is losing. The following artists are known for having a rough patch in the road but without a doubt are able to overcome their adversities and triumph.

Unless you are living under a rock, I am sure you are fully aware of the media stunts that actor Charlie Sheen has done within the past month and the outburst and photo leakage of singer/actor Chris Brown. The following artists have been media puppets and are being taken down a path in my personal opinion that causes rebellion and heartache.

So now let’s discuss ways to handle the following situations. My first question is:

1.     How do you handle this as a publicist?
2.     Do you utilize all the publicity and use it to your advantage or
3.     Do you step in and make a change?

Let’s start by painting a picture.

 Nonetheless, let’s talk briefly about the infamous “Winning interview” held at NBC with Charlie Sheen. As we all know, this is a man struggling with drugs and alcohol addiction. Instead of suggesting rehab or seeking help, Sheen is now receiving a stand- up comedy show (O_O PAUSE) Did I miss something? No, I didn’t. The fact that the media is milking Charlie Sheen for what he is worth proves people thrive off others failures and try to generate revenue in as many ways as possible.

 Now, as his publicist handling this situation to best meet the needs of your fans and artist you must step in and make a change. Sheen is in no position to work and produce a television series. So as a future publicist, it would be imperative to utilize the publicity by encouraging my artist to  attend rehab and work on having a “comeback story” down the line. The publicity he is receiving is generating a large amount of revenue for networks and personal use but is affecting the people around him and his life overall. He is being made a fool of within the media and unfortunately; he is not receiving any repercussions for his actions. This brings up another issue that we will later discuss in my upcoming blog post.

Now, let’s focus on Mr. Brown. Chris Brown who in the past at age 19 was charged with assault due to his altercation with ex girlfriend Rihanna. Not only has Chris Brown overcome harsh critics the past two years, his publicist handled his image and reputation the best they could. Until lately, he was given a pat on the back for the leakage of his private photos. In order to keep it PG-13 we will call it his special “F.A.M.E.ous Package”. Was this a coincidence this occurs two weeks before his album drops? Not to mention the day his album is released he decides to launch a chair through the window of Good Morning America’s dressing room.  Do better Chris Brown. You have GOT to do better.

Now here is my question to you, do you blame him? I am not agreeing with his behavior but bringing up a difficult time in his life during the peak of comeback without his consent is unfair and unruly in my personal opinion.

 Now in regards to Chris Brown publicist, they are in for a rude awakening in the near future. Their job at this time is to focus on revamping his image and allowing him to make change in a positive light. Brown is in a position where he has hardcore and consistent fans, but is in a position where fans are losing faith in the fact that he won’t do something stupid. No matter how good you can sing or act, your personal life is huge factor in your success. Chris Brown is no longer the baby face artist that we all fell in love with four years ago. He is now an adult who is filled with emotions making natural human mistakes. Unfortunately, he is not in a position to make “common” mistakes anymore. This is when his publicist steps in and asks the following question: Do I think he will continue to rise as an artist? Do I think as his publicist, I need to utilize this time to milk the media for positive use and nothing else? The answer is YES.

Now that the picture has been painted. How about we compare the two and see if they make sense to you. Charlie Sheen is utilizing the bad publicity and gaining a great deal of fans, money and success. Where Chris Brown is receiving bad publicity but not being able to go over this hump in the road. Why? Why is he unable to do so but Sheen can? The following questions have been on my mind all day. Then it clicked. Well duh Krystyn, Charlie Sheen is a household name that has been within the industry for years with an amazing publicist and a great deal of support. Where Chris Brown on the other hand, came into this industry young and was immediately viewed one way after one mistake. His mistake came before all his success and glory. 

So in this particular case, their publicist has to deal with different situations at hand when it all boils down. Although, I don’t agree with the result of the “Winning Interview”, I expected this too happen. Do I agree with the double standard within the media market, not at all. But do I see it changing any time soon? Not at all.

Until next time,

Krystyn N. Price
616 890 8535


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

When thinking of public relations and entertainment I can’t help but compare the following to the infamous relationship between Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. Whitney and Bobby had a captivating relationship that you loved to watch and hear about but hated to hear about at the same time. Their relationship eventually became a destructive union that only affected the people surrounding them. Their relationship in relation to public relations and artist management is the same problem applies to this union as well. As a publicist you love working and fixing problems for your artist but hate fixing the same problems for the same artist. This particular issue only makes it hard on everyone working on the project.

Several publicists working within the music business representing various artists not only have a lot of work cut out for them but also have to develop a solid relationship with their clients. Publicist and artist relationship is a union that is intricate to separate unless the time is right but easy to build when handled correctly. Countless publicists have worked in the industry and have an understanding of what public relations entails. Don’t worry! We will cover the various issues of an artist image within the public, the relationship between artist/publicist and how they go hand in hand. Ready? Here we go…

As an artist within the entertainment industry it is a must to have a publicist working on your team. The role of the publicist entails a great deal of functions that a self-managing artist wouldn’t be able to successfully fulfill. Aren’t quite sure what a publicist is or what they do? No worries! Here is a brief explanation:

According to Webster dictionary: 

A publicist is a person who generates and manages publicity for a public figure. Publicist main function is to generate press coverage on behalf of clients, build a relationship between clients and create a positive image within the media.

The most important idea of public relations is any press is good press. The most successful artist within the music industry such as Jay Z, Carrie Underwood, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Black Eyed Peas and Christina Aguilera are all artists that have been in the media, which required their publicist to step in and fix the problem.

Of the following artist the most provocative and controversial artist is our good girl gone bad Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Not only does she grab your attention, but is also distracting at the same time. I say this because her music is decent and catchy, but her drama,lifestyle and image is far more distracting than anything else that you don’t pay attention to her as an artist. Let's admit it, instead of listening to her music fans are most interested in how she will look and what she will do next. Rihanna's most recent controversy resulted from her 2011 Grammy performance where she performed live with rapper Drake “What’s My Name” and “Rude Boy”. A week after her performance, Minister Farrakhan allegedly speaks at conference in front of 18,000+ people and states “Rihanna is Filthy, whose music is SWINE”, says Minister Farrakhan. (necolebitchie.com/) 
How does she respond?


Here is her response:
Now as for her publicist, when do they step in? IMMEDIATELY! Her response was completely uncalled for and unnecessary. As her publicist, a statement should have been released stating she apologizes for how he feels but will continue to make music for her fan Etc. Unfortunately, it was too late. This situation causes issues for publicists because, you can explain the importance of reputation and image to an artist all day long but cannot control your artist 24 hours a day. The best solution is using the bad press for something good. Someone who did this well was Kim Kardashian (not really).  Kim Kardashian took a scandal and turned into million-dollar empire. This is very hard thing to do especially if you were in her shoes. 

For those who missed her performance: catch it here:

Lastly, as sad as it may sound, you hate to hear about the same drama about artist but can’t get enough of it. Just accept it people. All this means is publicists are doing their job and doing it well. They keep artist in the limelight and keep them being talked about whether good or bad. If a publicist doesn’t do anything, they must keep their artist being talked about but in a tasteful way. So what should you take from this post:

1.     If you are going to become a publicist for a thriving artist: keep them fresh, keep them talked about
2.     Build a relationship with your artist
3.     Develop a bond that can’t be broken
4.     Understand good and bad press
5.     Make money no matter what you do

5W PR Agency CEO

5W PR Agency CEO

Striving to be a leader, this is very important to hear.

How to be Successful

PR Techniques