Meet Mr. Associate Attorney Ricardo Bernard…
Question 1: Can you please explain your position at your law firm?
I am an associate attorney (junior attorney) at a prestigious law firm located in Miami, FL. I work mainly on corporate cases and ensure the representation of their clients work is accurate and correct. I am responsible to make sure the client receives what is in the agreement and is pleased with their deal. I work with a wide array of clients whether in entertainment, stocks, corporate, etc. I essentially do (complete) the same thing (task) for each client.
Question 2: How long have you practiced law?
I have practiced law for four years.
Question 3: What school did you obtain your law degree from?
I attended undergrad at Northwestern and law school at University of Chicago.
Questions 4: As an attorney it is important to have leverage and power, can you give an example of how you apply the following to your clients?
It depends, for example; if I were to be representing a seller and if the buyer really wants to buy the seller has the power. Who you are representing determines who has the power. When dealing with a client who invest a large amount of money into the company determines a lot. We have clients that invest thousands and they have the power.
Questions 5: Can you briefly explain how you handle your negative and positive emotions?
When dealing with our clients it can be difficult handling emotions. There is always fulfillment when getting the job done which in turn leads to having positive emotions. When accomplishing something, I am more prone to have a smile on my face than a frown. Dealing with clients who make unreasonable request hinders you from doing a good job. But the amount our clients pay us is saying an unreasonable request is a reasonable request, which in turn gives them the power.
Questions 6: When dealing with your clients, can you explain how you try to reach a mutual benefit for all parties?
Reaching a mutual benefit is for the deal to get done. As long as a deal is done all parties are benefiting. The real magic happens, when the client is extremely happy and a deal gets done. The firm gains more credibility and the client is pleased. The mutual benefit aspect is when all parties walk away from the table leaving with what you asked for and getting everything you wanted.
Questions 7: As an attorney, it is key to have various tactics that you use, what are some of your dirty tricks and/or tricky tactics?
A few dirty tricks and tactics, is having my connections. For example, I may have a client I am negotiating with wants a deal to be made and I have a connection with someone at another firm or company gives me the power and leverage. Mainly because I am able to connect which results in me making moves and deals. When you are in the right position in the business you can make any move as long as you understand your clients and your role. Basically my advice is always keep wealthy friends.
Questions 8: How do you separate people from the problem?
People are always the problem! For example, a client would call at 9 a.m. and wanted his request done at 9 30 a.m. Although, I couldn’t say what I wanted to say, I would get it done and then address the issue with my boss. I always remained professional. Developing a skill I suggest all students to never get emotionally connected with clients. I handle my clients on an “it is strictly business” relationship. The hardest pill to swallow is you have to understand they keep your salary paid and keep your lights on in your apartment.
Question 9: How do appreciation, affiliation, status, role and autonomy play a role in your profession?
The role I take on is the position I am currently in. I am treated as a junior attorney and my status is a junior attorney. Although, sometimes status and role doesn’t matter, nothing matters more than the confidence you gain by pleasing yourself and your clients. In my mind I understand you can never sit and wait on someone; your value is more than that. You have to understand your status and never work for less than that.